Yes, I made my dogs a letter. Call me crazy, but I just miss them too much. :((

Dearest doggies,

I am so sorry that we’ve been apart for three and a half doggy years already. I know! I really dislike this set-up, but I know you dislike this more than I do.

I know you long for my touch and my attention, I am also missing your furry feel and wet kisses. I need you all here with me now. I get so lonely whenever I see other dogs in here and I’d like you to know that it’s everyday. I think about you when I wake up. I think about you at work (when everything seems tiring and boring). I think about you during my ride home. I think about you before I sleep. I think about you even in my dreams. Swear, I dreamed each and everyone of you one night. I was so happy in my dreams, so complete. When I woke up and saw my ceiling, I know it was only an illusion.

I miss you. So bad. Totally. Tremendously.

My love bank is emptying and I need you in my life here. I am working on it. Yes, I am. Doubly. I want to ride the airplane, put you in your little houses and make you ride the boat, and live with me here. I daydreamed about this million of times, babies. Eversince the day that
I know that I am leaving you all once again to the hands of my mother. I miss her, too. I hope you make her feel loved everyday because I am not there for all of you.

I so miss you that I so wanna cry. Actually, I’m kind of leaking right now. I am going to get you one day and we’ll have fun everyday that we’re together here, in a different city. I hope you’ll like it here and make new friends. Well, except for BoomBoom. You know how stubborn and mad he can get. Don’t be afraid of the water when we’re already on the ship, okay? I wouldn’t allow you to be transported via plane. I don’t want all of you trapped in the dark room where they place the baggage. I know you’d feel terrible in there. The waters are milder and I get to travel by your sides.

Boom, Bim, Bam, Bimbo, I would never leave you. Even the offer would liberate me and make me happy. Families never leave each other. It’s just sad that other people don’t have this as their priority.

I would never leave you and I am working on how we all get to be together once again.

Loving you all from the bottom of my heart,

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