I would like to thank everyone who has participated in my first ever poll for Mutts are Love. I also have voted in my own poll. Lol. And my vote went to the Pomeranian breed.

Here is the Poll Result for the Preferred Toy Dog Breeds of random people, I suppose, are dog lovers, who have passed by my doggy blog.

Pomeranian ----------- 4
Pug ------------------- 2
Shih Tzu -------------- 1
Yorkshire Terrier ----- 4
Chihuahua ------------ 2
Miniature Pinscher ---- 2

Therefore, I would like to commend the Pomeranians and Yorkshire Terriers for winning this poll. They really are cute! And I would like to have a Pom someday. But it costs Php25,000.

BoomBoom, my dog, is a half-pomeranian, half-Japanese Spitz. I think these two breeds make the cutest pups! :) Don't you think? 
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